
This blog is a labor of both love and hate, crushed together in broken coding and well written lines. Horror films are really my biggest passion and far too many times I had bought into over-hyped, over exposed dredge in hopes of finding some visceral, violent or just entrapping good ol’ entertainment. Posts will be in a perfect world once a week, I will begin with films I have not yet seen, providing an overview and insight and then after viewing will go over whether or not the film was a expected or not and offer a personal based grade.

So as I fun ol’ lets get acquainted, since I have somewhat of an audience of sorts now, why not a fantabulous-oh fuck did I write that- self interview, that is not egomaniacal and crazy at all.

Q: So who exactly are you?

Well let’s see, I am a son of a son of a son and so on and on of a engineers, but was too uninterested- read stupid- in the sciences to even accomplish that. Sure, I have the math strengths, but I am special needs science wise and well technology wise as well. I’m 34 at the point of writing this, living in sin with my lady for the last 15ish years, well on and off, we used to be a right Jerry Springer Fuckmare for a long time. By trade…ummm using that loosely there, I am a CSR for a major Canadian retailer’s head office, used to be a supervisor but was too much drama-drama and I had to deal with more dicks than a Barton Street hooker, so stepped down. I work from home now, so that’s a plus and a half, but gained a ton ass of weight in last few years and am battling becoming a shut in. I’m big time into the Horror genre, from the 1930s to the early 1990s, not big on the newer shit. The Ramones are my absolute top band of all time, but really unless I am drunk, not into music. I am a malt liquor aficionado and a huge fan of public intoxication. I am obsessed with 1980s advertising, anything horror related, Hallowe’en, chubby ladies, KFC memorablia, and early 1990s video games. I swear fairly profusely and intend to make this shit all videos but keep putting off buying a working cam…mine won’t recharge. I’m from Greensville, Ontario, Canada, a small mountain town, and now reside in the suburbs of Stoney Creek Ontario. I am a big time weapon of mass consumption and huge time impulsive shopper.

Q: Favorite films of all time but keep it to 15:

Simple, in order:

The Devil’s Rejects
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2
Dawn of the Dead
Mangiati Vivi! Aka Eaten Alive
Cannibal ferrox
House Of 1000 Corpses
The Mist
Nightmare City
Cannibal Holocaust
Dracula- 1931
I Drink Your Blood
Don’t go in the House
Rock N Roll Highschool
Captive Wild Woman
Trailer Park Boys

well more to come, but got bored of this…

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